Stand-up comedian Max Bernal lives with his father Stan while struggling to co-parent his autistic son Ezra with his ex-wife. When forced to confront difficult decisions about their son's future, Max and Ezra embark on a cross-country road trip that has a transcendent impact on both their lives.

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is not currently available for streaming. Screening links will be added as soon as they are available.

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Best Picture

William Horberg, p.g.a.
Jon Kilik, p.g.a.

Best Director

Tony Goldwyn

Best Original Screenplay

Tony Spiridakis

Best Actor

Bobby Cannavale

Best Supporting Actress

Rose Byrne
Whoopi Goldberg

Best Supporting Actor

Robert De Niro
William Fitzgerald

Best Cinematography

Danny Moder

Best Production Design

Dan Leigh, Production Designer
Chryss Hionis, Set Decorator

Best Film Editing

Sabine Hoffman, ACE

Best Costume Design

Donna Berwick

Best Makeup & Hairstyling

Eldo Ray Estes, Makeup Department Head
Derrick Kollock, Hair Department Head

Best Sound

Brian N. Joseph, Sound Mixer
Luciano Vignola, Supervising Sound Editor and Re-Recording Mixer

Best Original Score

Carlos Rafael Rivera

Best Original Song

Written by Adrienne Ackerman
Performed by Rae Isla

More info coming soon